Saturday, July 7, 2007

Believe it or not

I am still testing my blog ...till today.


我採用阿土伯的blogger_ext2.js 0.7.0的同時,想保存頁面上的那"完整 | 摘要 | 標題"功能,并設定每篇文章自動只顯示三行字,同時繼續閱讀 read more時又能在同一頁面展延(像阿土伯的那樣)....


Despite I still could not figure out some of the stuff and functionality, I guess basically this format is what I want for my blogger.

Credits to the following blogger hacks:
Kaie's Blog for his enhanced version of Kurbirk template
Ben's 部落不及格 for his recommendation/introduction and guide to many of the Blogger's plugin/functions (外掛功能)
Racklin's 阿土伯程式大觀園 for his
    - jQuery Release
    - blogger_ext2.js 0.7.0 分支全新功能 beta 版發表
    - blogger_ext2.js 0.6.2版
Josh's Note for his 「超級無腦安裝Blogger外掛功能」
Chen Jim Hao (CJH) for his 繼續閱讀懶人加強版